At UNDO we believe that students should be given the opportunity to pursue their education despite financial challenges. This is where we step in to give a helping hand to those who really needs it and deserves it.

1. Who is eligible for this scholarship ?

This scholarship is eligible for all Malaysians with a completion of their Secondary School or Higher Examination – SPM / STPM /A Levels / UEC / IGCSE / O Levels. Application is eligible for 3 years from the Examination year.


2. What are the criteria to apply for this scholarship ?

Applicants that has done well for their Examinations and with a strong reasoning for the need of the financial aid is encouraged to apply.


3. What kind of documents do we need to prepare for this scholarship?

Applicants will have to prepare the following photocopy of: –

✓ Identification Card (IC)
✓ Examination Certification
✓ Parents / Guardians Payslip – Most recent 3 Months or Proof of Family Financial Documentations


4. How much is the scholarship ?

This is dependent on how well the student has performed in their Examination. The total amount will be notified after the submission.


5. What are the terms and conditions for this scholarship?

Scholarship recipients must maintain a certain grade for ALL subjects and should not FAIL any subject. They must maintain a good attitude and must be present for all classes unless Emergency Cases. Should they be absent a letter of notice or proof needs to be provided. More detailed conditions will be listed in the Scholarship Agreement Letter.


6. What is the process of applying this scholarship?

✓ Applicants will have to be already a registered student at UNDO Academy.
✓ All forms submitted will have to filled and submitted with the provided documents.
✓ Once we received the application, we will review it and applicants will be requested for an interview.
✓ After the interview, applicants will be notified if they qualify for the scholarship or not.
✓ Successful applicants will then receive the Scholarship Agreement Letter that has to be returned with their signature and acknowledgement.


Scholarship Application Form

Scholarship Application Form
  • Personal
  • Qualification
  • Family
  • Declaration

Personal Information


Family Background

Father Information


Mother Information


Guardian Information


Siblings' / Other Dependents' Details
