Fellow creative adventurers! Brace yourselves for the epic tale of UNDO Academy students’ thrilling escapade to Passion Republic!

As we stormed our way into their studio, we were met with a sight that left us in awe. Passion Republic had just relocated to a massive 55,000 square feet of office space. Talk about leveling up!

But the excitement didn’t stop there. Our visit granted us an exclusive glimpse into the game-making process, specifically their debut game, Gigabash. Oh, the secrets we uncovered and the mysteries unraveled!

Inside the studio, our curious eyes were treated to a mind-blowing sight—the Photogrammetry room! Picture this: an incredible setup of 18 DSLR cameras, capturing every detail with precision. It was like stepping into a technological wonderland.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Passion Republic for hosting us and for this unforgettable experience. We eagerly await the day we can return, ready to play, create, and embark on new adventures together once more!

Stay tuned for the next chapter in our daring exploits!

embrace the wonders of creativity and prepare for exciting chapters. Our journey has only just begun, and the possibilities are boundless!

UNDO Academy Students visiting Passion Republic