Tucked away amidst the bustling factories along the Federal Highway lies a hidden gem – Glow Productions. With over 15 years of excellence under their belt, Glow has emerged as one of Malaysia’s premier CG studios, leaving their mark on the local animation...
Step right into the world of animated wonders as UNDO Students embark on an exciting visit to the renowned Anima studio, the creative powerhouse behind beloved animations like Niko and Moomin Valley. It’s an absolute thrill to have them here in Kuala Lumpur! Our...
Fellow creative adventurers! Brace yourselves for the epic tale of UNDO Academy students’ thrilling escapade to Passion Republic! As we stormed our way into their studio, we were met with a sight that left us in awe. Passion Republic had just relocated to a...
Attention, UNDO Students! Prepare for an extraordinary opportunity that awaited us at Polygon Pictures Malaysia (formerly known as Silver Ant PPI). During this immersive visit, we were granted invaluable insights into the intricate creative process behind the...