Step right into the world of animated wonders as UNDO Students embark on an exciting visit to the renowned Anima studio, the creative powerhouse behind beloved animations like Niko and Moomin Valley. It’s an absolute thrill to have them here in Kuala Lumpur!
Our minds were expanded as we were warmly welcomed into their cozy studio space. With open arms, they shared insights into their unique studio culture and their innovative approach to redefining the production pipeline. Elvis Chew, the CEO of Anima KL, captivated us with tales of their creative journey.
The adventure doesn’t end here! We’re already eagerly planning our return to Anima studios, eager to dive deeper into their world of imagination and creativity. Brace yourselves for more exciting escapades and captivating stories from this extraordinary studio.
Stay tuned for our next encounter with the magic of Anima!